2017 Reading Project: Expanding My Worldview

For the past few years, I’ve focused about half the books I read into what I call Reading Projects. Sometimes I read to prepare for a trip – so that I understand the history and culture of the place I’m visiting. I have a lifelong project to read a biography about each American president. Right now I’m finishing up a series of books about the 1920s. Just for fun – and to catch a few classics I had missed along the way. I’m old enough to appreciate them more now 🙂

A few months ago my 17-year-old daughter came home from school, insisting that I watch the TED talk her English teacher had shown in class: The Danger of A Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Not only did the talk inspire me as a writer, it inspired me as a reader.

My 2017 reading project will be to read at least 12 books from non-European cultures. I also plan to include some history for context. I write a brief note about all the books I read on Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/SydneySalter), but I plan to blog about my 2017 Reading Project.

I am so excited to learn more about people all around the world!